Grollman, Earl A. Straight Talk About Death For Teenagers: How to Cope With Losing Someone You Love, Boston: Beacon Press, 1993
Earl Grollman has written many books on coping with death and has traveled all over the country, speaking with groups of young people on the topic. he also writes about parenting for USA Today. This book for teens is also recommended for parents, teachers, counselors, ministers and youth leaders.
Some young people have yet to face the death of a loved one, but many of them have experienced the sudden, tragic death of a friend in an accident or from illness. Many teenagers lose grandparents, and some have to cope with the loss of a parent. This book offers practical and supportive words that speak directly to teens without condescension. Grollman talks about losing a friend to suicide, losing a sibling, death by violence or by accident, and death after an illness.
He discusses all the possible reactions to death and ways of coping. One of the main points of the book is to let the teenager know that he is not alone in feeling the way he does. He talks about the experience of attending a funeral and about what to face when returning to school and getting on with one's life.
Highly recommended for all who must face death -- and that means all of us, at some time.